Demo Tuesday

From Quantity to Quality - Qualifying Ideas & Feedback: Capture and Prioritise Feedback & Ideas


In this session, Alexander Wennerberg introduces the Hives tool and discusses the theme of going from quantity to quality in idea collection. He provides a demo of the tool and explains how ideas can be scored and managed. The session concludes with information on how to schedule a demo and try out the tool.


  • Hives is a tool used by organizations to collect, prioritize, and track ideas and feedback.
  • Scoring ideas based on parameters like ease of implementation, urgency, and desirability can help prioritize them.
  • Involving different stakeholders in the scoring process can provide a holistic perspective and ensure accurate evaluation.
  • Ideas that don't make the selection can be set aside for future consideration and remain searchable in the tool.


00:00 - Introduction and Purpose of the Session
03:13 - Introduction to Hives
07:00 - Theme: From Quantity to Quality
07:56 - Demo of Hives Tool
12:19 - Scoring Ideas
17:14 - Involving Different Stakeholders in Scoring
22:49 - Managing Ideas That Don't Make the Selection
28:37 - Conclusion and Next Steps

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