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How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Quantity over Quality

Written by Frank Larsen | Monday

Many individuals find themselves constantly worrying about the quality of their work. We often hear sayings such as "quality over quantity," emphasizing the importance of delivering high-quality results. However, I have come to realize that there are situations where prioritizing quantity can lead to unexpected benefits and personal growth. 

In todays society we strive to produce flawless work, focusing solely on quality. However, this obsession with perfection can lead to unnecessary stress and anxiety. I discovered that by shifting my mindset and embracing quantity, I was able to achieve more, grow faster, and gain valuable insights along the way.

Embracing Growth

One of the key realizations I had was that by prioritizing quantity, I created more opportunities for growth and improvement. When we focus on quantity, we allow ourselves to experiment, iterate, and learn from our mistakes. Each iteration brings us one step closer to mastery, enhancing our skills and expanding our knowledge base.

The Power of Momentum

Another benefit of embracing quantity is the power of momentum. When we consistently produce a high volume of work, we build momentum and create a sense of rhythm. This momentum propels us forward, allowing us to accomplish more in less time. It helps us stay motivated and engaged, fueling our productivity and creativity.

Overcoming the Fear of Failure

Many individuals are held back by the fear of failure, which often stems from the pressure to deliver high-quality results. However, by focusing on quantity, we can overcome this fear and develop resilience. Embracing a mindset that embraces failure as a learning opportunity allows us to take more risks, explore new avenues, and discover innovative solutions.

Learning from Feedback

By producing a higher quantity of work, we open ourselves up to a wealth of feedback. Each piece of work provides an opportunity for others to critique and offer insights. This feedback loop becomes a valuable source of learning, enabling us to refine our skills and improve the quality of our work over time.

How to Apply This to a Workplace

Encouraging employees to generate a large quantity of ideas can result in a wider variety of perspectives and solutions. By casting a wide net, you increase the chances of discovering innovative and unconventional ideas that might otherwise go unnoticed.

Focusing on quantity also helps create an environment where employees feel more comfortable sharing their ideas without the fear of judgment or criticism. Some individuals may initially hold back from expressing their thoughts due to self-doubt or concerns about the quality of their ideas. Emphasizing quantity can help overcome this self-censorship barrier and encourage participation.

What Are the Long-term Benefits of Embracing Quantity Over Quality?

Embracing quantity over quality can lead to accelerated growth, enhanced productivity, increased resilience, and a broader range of skills. It opens doors to new opportunities, fosters innovation, and ultimately contributes to personal and professional success.


In conclusion, learning to stop worrying and love quantity over quality has been a transformative experience for me. By embracing quantity, I discovered the opportunities for growth it provides. Overcoming the fear of failure and learning from feedback became catalysts for personal and professional development. While quality remains important, there are times when quantity can be equally valuable. So, let go of perfectionism, take bold steps, and embrace the journey of continuous improvement. You might be pleasantly surprised by the results.